Saturday, September 7, 2013

George Zimmerman's wife files for divorce

Less than months after he was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman's wife has filed for divorce. 26 year old Shellie Zimmerman filed for divorce just yesterday, a week after she pleaded guilty to a perjury charge for lying during a bail hearing following her husband's arrest in Feb 2012. She lied about the couple's assets when her husband was trying to be released on a lower bond. Shelley was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of community service.

Shelley said in an interview with 'Good Morning America' last week that she was having serious doubts about remaining married to George, not because she didn't believe he acted in self defense, but because she was just disappointed. She also said they lived in hiding while awaiting his trial.
"We have pretty much lived like gypsies for the past year and a half. We've lived in a 20-foot trailer in the woods, scared every night that someone would go and find us and that it would be horrific," she said.
She also told ABC she is deeply sorry for the Martin family's loss. "I can't even begin to understand the grief a parent experiences when they lose a child," she said. Shelley and George married in 2007 and had no children. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Kanye West shows off baby North

 Kanye West has been called many things, but these days the best description -- according to him -- is family man.
The 36-year-old rapper appeared on Kris Jenner's daytime talk show "Kris" on Friday to discuss his relationship with Jenner's daughter, Kim Kardashian, and their new addition, North.
But if Kanye was smart, he'd hire Jenner as part of his PR team. The reality TV momager, who has extended her family's brand from E! to Fox with this test run of her talk show, reiterated several times that the stone-faced and difficult Kanye portrayed in the media is not the man she's come to know. (Kanye, after all, is now living in her home.)
"I'm so excited that I've gotten to know you like I have," Jenner said. "There are a lot of things that people don't know about you that are so interesting to me that I want other people to hear."
Kanye spoke about the effect of the birth on his outlook.
"To me it's such a blessing, and I feel like it's going to give me the stability that I need to really create and really do God's work in the way I should," Kanye, wearing a "what would Jesus do" bracelet, told Jenner.
"Someone to be accountable, someone to be responsible for. After I lost my mother there were times I felt like I would put my life at risk, I felt like sometimes I didn't have something to live for. Now I have two really special people to live for, a whole family to live for. I want people, when they remember me and my family, their thought association to be someone who helped, someone who brought joy."
He did bring plenty of joy to Jenner's show, as she beamed while displaying North's photo for the audience. North, who was born June 15, has her mother's eyes and father's cheeks, according to Jenner.
"The thing I think about as a dad is just protection. That's my only goal, to Kanye said his goal is "to protect my daughter. That's my instinct."
"To give my daughter as many opportunities to just be a child. Of course, a big thing that plagues us is this idea of the paparazzi chasing a 5-year-old around and screaming at them. ... You have enough things to deal with and to learn being a new parent and you add that on top of it, and it becomes really intense."
According to Jenner, Kanye's been into his girlfriend for a long, long time, and would even use Photoshop to draw himself into the yearly Kardashian-Jenner Christmas card. (Seriously -- Jenner showed proof.)
Although he couldn't quite remember the first time he met Kardashian, 32, Kanye did know it was love at first sight.
"I'm trying to remember if the first time we met was her being in the studio when she was Brandy's assistant, and I think she brought us in, like, something to drink," he said. "Or it might've been when I was doing Brandy's video and I remember asking my manager, 'Who is that girl right there?' ... I was in love with her before I even got to talk to her."
Kim, he said, was always someone he dreamed about being with, but more importantly, he feels that they're "equally yoked."
"Being in the limelight, you have to have a match, or someone that's equally yoked," he told Jenner. "It's difficult, because there's people that you would date who would try to date you to maybe be more famous, or people who would want you to be less famous than you were, and just not accept who you are in life. And when I would be on the phone with her, even at my lowest moments, she'd give me energy and remind me of who I was. And I needed that support at all times."
Kanye knows that there are those who think he and the Kardashian family wouldn't have much in common. But he's trying to grow both spiritually -- "I'm a Christian," he said, "That's what's important to me, that I grow and walk and raise my family with Christian values."
"People feel that me and my girlfriend's mother are of different brands in a way," he said. "But it's not about any of us being at odds, it's about us helping each other and improving each other. I might be one of the only guys in the world that knows how to pick out a pair of shoes for a girl, but I have improvements that I need to make as a human being ... the way that I talk to people, being too sharp with people, or being too edgy. As a creative guy, sometimes it's hard for me to small talk. ... And that's something that (the Kardashian) family and Kim are teaching me, helping me to be a better person."
Given the negative press he's had -- from that infamous mic-jacking at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards to more recent run-ins with the paparazzi -- does he have any regrets? Not exactly.
While there are things he wishes he could change, he also believes that "everything happened for a reason, and I've grown from it," he said. "I feel that I'm very, very, very blessed, and with that comes great responsibility. With the way my parents raised me and the information that they gave me and this feeling that I have that I want to help, I think anything that could be considered a mistake will help me to make better decisions in the future."

Marijuana, safer than painkillers — STUDY

BELIEVE it or not, but you could be safer ingesting marijuana -the most used illegal drug on Earth – than a prescription pain killer drug. Findings by a brand new first-of-its-kind global study conducted at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, USA, showed that prescription pain killers, though legal, could be the deadliest drug of all.

A publication in The Lancet, revealed that marijuana, though often preferred to other illicit drugs of addiction such as  cocaine, heroin and amphetamines are responsible for killing fewer persons than  addictive painkillers such as Oxycontin and Vicodinbe.

Of a total of 78,000 drug deaths, prescription pain pills accounted for more than half. The study does not mention why marijuana has become the most popular drug,  controversy over the legislation of cannabis in some US states rages on.

While marijuana use is still illegal according to federal law, the new global report found that men in their 20s were most likely to abuse any of the drugs studied. Drugs such as Ecstasy and other hallucinogens were not included due to a lack of data

The study also found that Australia, Russia, the UK and the US were the hardest hit by substance abuse. Those living in these areas were also more likely to use the drugs which originated closer to home. 

For instance, persons living in Asia or Australia were more inclined to abuse amphetamines and opioids whereas North Americans used more marijuana and cocaine.

 “Even if it is not very solid data, we can say definitely that there are drug problems in most parts of the world,” explained senior author Theo Vos.

Michael Lysnkey with the National Addiction Centre at King’s College in London warned that these numbers are likely to change, saying the world’s preference for drugs may change in the future.

“The illicit use of prescribed opiates in the US has only happened in the last 10 years or so,” said Lysnkey in a statement. “It’s possible in another 20 years, patterns will again change in ways we can’t predict.”

Many continue to debate the potential health benefits and dangers of marijuana usage with constituents on either side pointing tomedical studies that reach different conclusions. Earlier this year, researchers from Tel Aviv University say they found smoking marijuana to be beneficial to elder patients who suffer from a variety of chronic ailments. 

The Israeli researchers said 19 elderly subjects who smoked marijuana experienced healthy weight gain, an improvement in mood and communication skills and a reduction of chronic pain.

A recent study from the University of Montreal, however, found that pot smoking can lead to addictive behavior in teens who are already predisposed, either due to environmental psychological conditions, to pick up an addictive habit.

Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology recently found that the use of LSD, ecstasy and other psychedelic drugs are not linked to mental illness and, in fact, could improve some individuals’ psychiatric health.


Brad Pitt got behind the wheel of a giant death machine over in the U.K. ... and we've got the BAD ASS pics

Pitt was tooling around the English countryside Wednesday while preparing for his new film "Fury" ... a flick about a tank crew in the final weeks of World War II.

The 49-year old "World War Z" star listened intently to an instructor while cruising in the hatch of the machine ... which can't be any louder than a minivan filled with six kids. We think Brad can relate.

Oh, and your mom still wants to do him. So does your sister ...  and your girlfriend.

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Thursday, September 5, 2013


Wayne Rooney has released an image of the head injury he sustained in training to dispel doubts over his commitment to the English national team.

Rooney missed Manchester United’s 1-0 defeat to Liverpool on Sunday as a result of the wound, with manager David Moyes saying he expected the striker to be out for “a few weeks” and that he thought he had “no chance” of representing his country in the upcoming World Cup qualifiers against Moldova and Ukraine.

The forward then used his official Facebook page to release an image of the injury -- sustained in an accidental collision with Phil Jones -- to illustrate the extent of the problem.

He wrote: “Some people seem to be questioning my commitment to the England squad and the fact I had to pull out of the 2 games. There's nothing I would like more than to be helping the lads in the qualifiers. I'm sure people will see from these images the reason why I won't be able to play.”

England have a number of injury absentees for the games against Moldova on Friday and Ukraine on Tuesday but Theo Walcott is confident the country's youngsters will be prosper.


The hit single from Davido, as been getting loads of air play, in radio stations, clubs and media out fits let just say the single from naija's own O.B.O  as gone viral all over Africa. no wonder every one is in their skelewu shoes.